TR2 Transponder RR / Bil

kr 2.150,00kr 8.750,00 inkl mva

Produktnummer: I/A Kategorier: , Brand:


Helt nye TR2 Transponderen fra MyLaps.

Denne er utviklet for å ta med seg det aller beste fra den gamle Classic og fra X2 som har vært solgt de siste årene. I tillegg har den innebygget Blåtann kommunikasjon som kommuniserer direkte med din smarttelefon. Aktivering, registrering, og all annen kommunikasjon går direkte på din telefon i steden for via PC.

TR2 leveres i fire versjoner, og du kan velge mellom:

  • 1 års forskuddsbetalt abonnement
  • 2 års forskuddsbetalt abonnement
  • 5 års forskuddsbetalt abonnement
  • Abonnementsfri – ingen løpende kostnader etter kjøp

Når abonnementet utløper på de med abonnement, kan du fornye dette direkte i Speedhive app på din smarttelefon (kort-betaling). 


Innhold i esken:

Når du bestiller denne får du med:

  • Transponder
  • Ladestasjon (USB)
  • USB Ladekabel
  • Transponderholder


The TR2 Transponder is a product, arising from listening carefully to you, our users. The TR2 Transponders is the world-leading standard in accuracy, just like our other Transponders, but now made much easier in many ways. The TR2 Transponder is the new standard.

Racers know that practice pays off. Whether you ride motorbikes or prefer to race on four wheels, insight into your performance makes you a better racer. The TR2 is capable of showing you valuable race data and insights. All your data is available on your personal Speedhive account.


Easy to manage

Always be prepared before racing! The new TR2 Transponder gives you all the information you need to start your race fully prepared. Due to a Bluetooth connection with the Speedhive app, it’s very easy to register and activate your transponder. In the Speedhive app, you’re easily reminded of the duration of your ongoing license and battery status. Manage the needs of your transponder everywhere with your smartphone!


The more you know, the faster you go

With the TR2 Transponder, all your race data will be available your personal MYLAPS Speedhive account. The free Speedhive app gives you quick access to the official results of motorized sport events.




Download the free Speedhive App now and benefit from:
✔ Easy connection of your transponder with your Speedhive App via Bluetooth
✔ Easy buying and syncing your subscription with your Speedhive App
✔ Up to date status of battery level and subscription status
✔ View live race data
✔ Get quick and easy mobile access to your personal event results
✔ Compare your lap times with other racers in one graph
✔ Gain followers with your personal profile
✔ Analyze where you won and lost compared to your opponents
✔ Follow races and racers all over the world



TR2 Go Abonnementsfri, 1 års abb inkl, 2 års abb inkl, 5 års abb inkl (Bestillingsvare)
