Den danske produsenten av bremseklosser lanserer en ny bremsekloss beregnet for racing nå før 2019-sesongen.
Den nye bremseklossen heter Dual Sinter 2, og er en videreutvikling av bestselgeren Dual Carbon.
Bakgrunnen for utviklingen av den nye klossen er at mange som kjører racing har brukt både Dual Carbon og Dual Sinter framme for å maksimere bremse-egenskapene. Kombinasjonen av disse to klossene har vist å gi svært god bremse-effekt, uansett temperatur på klosser og skiver.
Grunnen for å mikse klossene, er at Dual Carbon gir bedre bremse-effekt jo varmere de blir, mens Dual Sinter, som bremser svært godt med en gang, fader noe når de blir varme.
Den ny-utviklede bremseklossen har bremse-egenskapene til Dual Carbon, men varigheten til Dual Sinter, DC-klossene har hatt en tendens til å bli utslitt forholdsvis raskt. Med den nye Dual Sinter 2 er varigheten tilsvarende de eksisterende Dual Sinter, og man kan skifte klossene på begge kalipterne samtidig.
Dual Sinter har ca 3 ganger levetiden av Dual Carbon. Prisen på nye Dual Sinter 2 er den samme som de eksisterende DS-klossene. Den nye klossen har kommet til de fleste MC som benyttes i Racing allerede, og nye utgaver kommer fortløpende.
Du finner selvsagt klossene med bruk av MC-velgeren i vår nettbutikk, og en oversikt over alle DS2-klosser finnder du her:
During the development of DS-2 we received various feedback, which made it clear that no riders brake in the same way or feel brake performance all the same. Therefore a completely new brake concept emerged: Dynamic Racing Concept combining the best of two worlds – the strong initial bite and linear in-stop performance from DS-1 and the smooth initial bite and progressive in-stop performance from DS-2.
In short, a fine tuning of braking performance for the individual rider’s brake preference
- Smooth initial bite
Progressive in-stop performance & brake feel
Riders quotes:
- Great feel with front end of the bike when braking deep into the corner
- Feels easier to stop the bike
Riders quotes testing the combination DS-1/DS-2:
DS-1 added more initial bite compared to DS-2, to get the front more settled and easier to turn in the corner
- DS-1 reduced the strong «servo effect of DS-2
- DS-2 reduced the brutal initial bite of DS-1 slightly, and bike felt easier to control under hard braking
- DS-2 increased slightly the brake power of DS-1 in the end of the braking, to be able to reduce the speed that little easier before tipping it into the corner
A large number of riders prefer the famous DS-1 for its aggressive initial bite features and linear predictable in-stop performance, and do not want any change in performance.
However, other riders have asked for a compound with a little more human initial bite and more powerful braking power in the end of long brakings. Based on these inquiries, we are now introducing the DS-2.
In 2017 and 2018 seasons selected teams in the World Superbike, Moto2 & Moto3 GP, British Superbike and World Endurance Championships have actively participated in fine-tuning of the DS-2.
Ten Kate Racing and SBS have an ongoing relation since 2003. In the always changing world of racing that’s a very long time, almost like a marriage. The reason behind the length of this successful partnership is a combination of quality of the SBS brake pads, the continuous R&D behind the product and as important the people behind it. SBS is top-down driven by people who want to be the best at their game and will do the extra effort if needed and that goes always without asking. We are proud to have encountered such a partner! «
Team Manager Ronald Ten Kate
Ten Kate Racing
Our partnership with SBS is a great asset for our team in the World SBK championship – the support we receive and quality of the product are second to none. Our technical partnership with SBS allows us to develop the optimum brake performance to suit each rider. For us, the standout performer is the new SBS DS-2 compound. «
Technical Team Manager Kervin Bos
Red Bull Honda World Superbike Team